changeling 30th anniversary project

Greetings, all! As discussed on the podcast and on our Discord (, we’ve got Plans for the upcoming 30th anniversary of Changeling: the Dreaming. First and foremost is that we intend to produce somewhere between nine and thirteen homebrew supplements for the Storyteller’s Vault, in collaboration with our listener community. Our list so far, in no particular order:

  • Lore of the Kiths — history, secrets, crunchy bits, and more for each of the 13 core kiths
  • Book of Gremayre — a compendium of sorceries and curious magics for the core kiths
  • The Changeling Cookbook — recipes for the discerning fae
  • Fiefs of Bright Paradise — a region sourcebook for the Caribbean and environs
  • [Book of Seemings – title in flux] — considering changeling life cycles and their repercussions
  • Kithbook: Merfolk — exactly what it sounds like
  • The Dream-Burrow Debacle — a pooka-centric ready-made chronicle book
  • Storyteller’s Kaleidoscope — advice, ideas, and a panoply of options for C20 Storytellers
  • [Inanimae] — overhauling the inanimae to make them more playable; title is also subject to change
  • a Balkan/Southeast Europe region book
  • a Book of Nod-style lorebook
  • an in-depth consideration of the Nunnehi

The plan is to release roughly one title per month in 2025. Our present authorial team is drafting the first several of these titles, but if you’re also interested in working with us to produce this content, we’re happy to consider your assistance! We have a Google form available at where you can highlight:

  • Your experience with Changeling: the Dreaming and/or other World of Darkness games
  • Your experience with creating/publishing homebrew content
  • The roles you would be interested in: writer, editor, proofreader, artist, designer, playtester, chef…
  • The titles from the list above you are interested in helping out on

If for some reason you are unable to access the form above, email us at and we will send a text copy. And feel free to share it with friends, motleymates, etc., since we’re trying to shore up the team by early September 2024 if possible…

Priority will be given to applicants who fulfill specific areas where we could use support. (You may notice that not all titles on our slate are listed on the form, as the teams are already fairly set.) We are also especially looking at present for applicants who are interested in developing content for boggans and/or eshu, who have personal connections or experience with the Caribbean region, or who have personal connections or experience with Southeast Europe/the Balkans. This is also mentioned on the form; all applicants should be as detailed as possible in the free response section, but if you can help us out on these points, please be sure to highlight that!

Aside from being on the production team, there will certainly be other opportunities to get involved along the way! And regardless, our Patreon ( will have advance and/or behind-the-scenes information about our progress. We look forward to working with you and the rest of the community to help bring this dream to life.