episode 105 — sorcerer[s]

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 105 — sorcerer[s]

Apologies for skipping an episode release last week—there’s a point at which even a pooka must throw in the towel for a day or two to recover from the wheel of reading, preparing, recording, editing. Now that things are a bit settled, we’re back on track as we delve into the Changeling-adjacent library again today to talk about Sorcerer[s]! The hedge magicians of the World of Darkness haven’t made many inroads into the game line, but today we’re talking about a few groups that might be relevant, a few fae-impacting powers they possess, and a few tips for including them in your chronicle. (How many fews does it take to make a several? or a many?) Scattered across a number of books all somewhat titled “Sorcerer”, these unexpectedly powerful mortals provide potential antagonists and allies for any motley.

The three books in question, should you wish to snag them for your own:

And you too can start your journey on the sorcerous Path of Podcasting by getting in touch at:

your hosts

Josh Hillerup (any pronoun) advocates for more dank eldritch grimoires on audiobook and in readable EPUB format.
Pooka G (any pronoun/they) sold their soul to learn the Path of Rock and Roll. 🎸

Magic is not science, it is a collection of ways to do things — ways that work but often we don’t know why.
— Robert Heinlein, Glory Road