We’re continuing down the path into the Firchlis-warped wilderness as we dip into Chapters 2, the first half of 4, 6, and the Appendix of Dreams and Nightmares. Why the scattered approach? While we focused on the Near Dreaming along with general Dreaming cosmology and (meta)physics last time, in this installment we’re talking specifically about the Far Dreaming, its Realms, and more of the mechanical side of things. If you want to know more about the specific rules you’ll need to run a Dreaming-heavy game, or notes about the beasts and denizens one may find there, we’ve got a few treats (and headaches) in store for you… but if it’s not entirely to your liking, don’t worry. We’ve still got another episode in this trilogy to get through.
Our own Dreaming Realms:
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your hosts
Josh Hillerup (any pronoun) is part shareholder of an artisanal butter outfit in the Fields Behind, because everyone needs a retirement plan.
Pooka G (any pronoun/they) was awarded the key to the city of Quoxburg, but it turned out to be a miserably sentient three-day-old croissant with the word “KEY” written on it in royal icing.
The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom.
—William Blake, third proverb of Hell