episode 95 — c20 player’s guide, part two

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 95 — c20 player's guide, part two

It’s that time again! This second installment of our trilogy of episodes on the Changeling 20th Anniversary Player’s Guide continues as we flip through Chapter Three. What’s that, you say? An entire installment on a single chapter of a single book? Well, yes, because this “World of Dreams” section takes up a third of a dense text and covers a lot of ground, visiting four continents in swift succession. We’re taking an honest look at how the fae histories of these regions are handled, the kiths that dwell there, and the stories one might be able to tell that connect with the game as a whole. Slight spoiler: we have a bone or five to pick, and honestly two to three of them were immediately resolved by In the Realm of Gods and Dreams, which you can hear about at https://changelingthepodcast.com/podcast/episode-90-in-the-realm-of-gods-and-dreams/. But don’t let all this stop you from learning a thing or two about changelings around the world and how they got that way…!

As mentioned in our last C20PG episode notes, you can pick up the PDF (or print on demand book) at https://www.storytellersvault.com/product/274520?affiliate_id=3063731. Visit our own digital world of dreams around the various platforms below if you want to contact us:

your hosts

Josh Hillerup (any pronoun) is still searching for Carmen Sandiego.
Pooka G (any pronoun/they) just realized while typing this post that Brazilian Carnival didn’t get mentioned once, which is getting added to this chapter’s ever-lengthening list of iniquities.

I’ll put a girdle round about the earth / in forty minutes.
—Robin Goodfellow, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, II.i.175–176