Changeling the Podcast

episode 88.3 — the rest of 90s changeling fiction

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 88.3 — the rest of 90s changeling fiction

A surprise minisode, just in time for Highsummer week! We’ve talked about the Immortal Eyes novels, we’ve talked about the Anthology of Dreams, and we’ve even mentioned Pomegranates Full & Fine… but what about the rest of the Changeling fiction from the 90s? This includes The Splendour Falls, a short story collection released in tandem […]

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episode 88.2 — state of the podcast, midseason 3

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 88.2 — state of the podcast, midseason 3

And so we come once again to a bit of downtime, as we wind up the first half of Season 3. It’s just another minisode on the eve of the solstice, to let you know where things stand and what we’ve been up to, plus some of our plans when we return in six weeks,

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episode 88.1 — storyteller’s screens

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 88.1 — storyteller's screens

We were going to just release this bit of content as Patreon content because it’s our shortest yet, but by popular demand, here it is as a minisode…! For all of you Storytellers who feel the need to hide yourselves away from your players, or maybe just shield your dice from revealing too much, the

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episode 88 — kithbook: boggans

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 88 — kithbook: boggans

Yes, we already did an episode on those long-suffering boggans, but don’t you think they deserve another? Having dealt with the fanmade “old” Kithbook: Boggans previously (check out, we are now moving on to the new Kithbook: Boggans, released as a Kickstarter goal for C20. In the spirit of the older editions’ kithbooks, the

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episode 87 — book of freeholds

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 87 — book of freeholds

The freehold is the center of changeling life, providing safety, community, and a connection to the Dreaming for wayward Kithain. But what makes each of them unique? We get some extensive systems and suggestions to answer this question in Book of Freeholds, a C20 supplement that greatly expands previous editions’ take on building them. It’s

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episode 86 — gimme shelter with bram clark

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 86 — gimme shelter with bram clark

Alternate and/or historical settings for Changeling is always something that piques our interest. So we were keen to read the Gimme Shelter Player’s Guide supplement (released April 2) that presents the fae of Swinging Sixties London. We’re joined this week by the book’s author, Bram Clark, who talks with us about his take on this

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episode 85 — yours to keep and ready-made characters

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 85 — yours to keep and ready-made characters

Now that we’re through the corebook for C20, other supplements seem like small (but no less nourishing) potatoes. This time around is a double feature: we’re flipping through Yours to Keep, the jumpstart and intro adventure for the edition, and Ready-Made Characters, a set of 13 write-ups (one for each core kith) and sample motleys

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episode 84 — changeling 20: the changes

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 84 — changeling 20: the changes

And so we come to the third part of this trilogy, wherein we talk about changes to this edition. There are hundreds of little tweaks and adjustments to be found in the Changeling 20th Anniversary corebook, but we’re focusing on a dozen of the most significant that stand out to us. (Slight spoiler: there’s another

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episode 83 — changeling 20: the new stuff

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 83 — changeling 20: the new stuff

Whew. Doing a walkthrough of the corebook was kind of a marathon, but treating it as a text in isolation is only part of the story. In this (thankfully shorter, because we recorded it the same day as the first) installment, we’re drawing on our grump knowledge of the previous editions to talk about the

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episode 82 — changeling 20: walkthrough

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 82 — changeling 20: walkthrough

Well, here we are at last…! After dozens of episodes covering the earlier days of the line, we are beginning our read of Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition, the corebook proper. This first in a trilogy of episodes will be a walkthrough of the book, giving some concise information and commentary about each chapter.

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