Just because we’re having a chaotic summer doesn’t mean we can’t occasionally find time to generate some scraps of content. While we search for time to catch up on chonkier recordings, herewith is a short minisode of something that nobody asked for: a set of poems that are (arguably) Changeling-y in themes. Pooka threw this episode together solo, and recorded it very late at night, so please forgive them for the quality. And if you think you hate poetry, well, hopefully this will at least not make you think you hate it more.
The poems featured in this episode:
– Emily Dickinson, “To Make a Prairie“
– Peter Campion, “Dandelions“
– Dylan Thomas, “Fern Hill“
– Natalie Diaz, “My Brother at 3 A.M.“
– Randall Jarrell, “The Woman at the Washington Zoo“
– Samuel Taylor Coleridge, “Kubla Khan“
– Tony Gloeggler, “2B“
– Langston Hughes, “Dreams” and “Harlem“
– Sandy Gingras, “The Light Factory“
your host
Pooka G (any pronoun/they) thinks the ellipsis is the most air-headed of punctuation marks, while the em-dash is the sassiest.
(psst! email us at podcast@changelingthepodcast.com if you want)
(and join our Discord at https://discord.gg/SAryjXGm5j !)
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