At long last, we come to the end of the road… well, not the end, because that would (presumably) be Arcadia. But we are deeper into the Dreaming than we’ve yet been, as we deal this week with the final part of our dive into Dreams and Nightmares! Joining us is C20 author and longtime community bastion Charlie Cantrell, for a discussion of the Realms in the farthest reaches of dream, and the stories one might tell on the way there. While we are talking about the Deep Dreaming write-ups in particular, the conversation ranges across the entirety of the book and what it has to offer. Our conclusion: it’s an indispensable one for players and Storytellers alike, even those who have never played 2nd Edition, but it’s a springboard more than a proper guide. There are hundreds (thousands?) of ideas floating around its pages, with little to no guidance on how to use them. But for a representation of the infinite space that is the collective subconscious, it’s hard to see how the book could have been anything else…
If you missed the first two installments of this trilogy, check them out:
Episode 39 (Near Dreaming): https://changelingthepodcast.com/podcast/episode-39-dreams-nightmares-1-near-dreaming/
Episode 40 (Far Dreaming): https://changelingthepodcast.com/podcast/episode-40-dreams-nightmares-2-far-dreaming/
The book continues to be available at https://www.storytellersvault.com/product/2173/Dreams-and-Nightmares?affiliate_id=3063731, and we continue to be available for your social contact needs (within reason) throughout the following constellation of sites:
- Discord: https://discord.me/ctp
- Email: podcast@changelingthepodcast.com
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100082973960699
- Mastodon: https://dice.camp/@ChangelingPod
- Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/changelingthepodcast
Charlie can sometimes be spotted on our Discord, or else you might try your luck at:
- Twitter: @PookaKnight
- Facebook: Radio Free Arcadia for more info about the latest projects from Charlie and his team
- Kiths of Arcadia on the Storytellers’ Vault: https://www.storytellersvault.com/product/299635?affiliate_id=3063731
- Harbingers of Winter, a supplement on Thallain and Dauntain and Fomorians (oh my!): https://www.storytellersvault.com/product/388455?affiliate_id=3063731
- Charlie’s homebrew conversion guide to 5th Edition for Changeling can be found here
your hosts
Josh Hillerup (any pronoun) reminds the listener that we’re each forever story-battling the subtle yet sinister extra-planar Fair Folk, each of us wielding the weapon that is An Entire Life.
Pooka G (any pronoun/they) has one word for you, just one word: BALLOON.
From star to star the mental optics rove,
Measure the skies, and range the realms above.
There in one view we grasp the mighty whole,
Or with new worlds amaze th’ unbounded soul.
—Phillis Wheatley, “On Imagination”