Salut, gentlefae! It’s time for a solo minisode to fill in the Banal void of the working week. In this installment, Pooka discusses Le Monde des Ténèbres : France, one of the few 90s World of Darkness books not developed by White Wolf. Published by Ludis International at the start of 1997, the book only exists in French, and was the start of a series of books (which would have eventually been translated into English) that… never materialized. Each of the five major WoD lines gets a chapter, with Changeling receiving a solid 40 pages or so of material, deeply informed by French folklore, politics, and probably the home games of its authors. Pooka puts their French degree to good use in order to summarize of what’s therein (including the first appearance of the morganed and korred!), so that you don’t have to seek it out and translate it yourselves.
Ordinarily there would be a link here to purchase the book, but such a thing does not exist for this text. It’s not too difficult to knock the PDF off the back of a truck, so to speak, if you want to find your own copy. Meanwhile, for the show’s own social media, it’s even less difficult to find us, because we provide the links like so:
- Discord: https://discord.me/ctp
- Email: podcast@changelingthepodcast.com
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your host
Pooka G (any pronoun/they) is, if we are what we eat, an actual sentient viennoiserie.
La bonne grâce est le vrai don des fées ; sans elles on ne peut rien, avec elles on peut tout.
(Gracefulness is the true gift of the fae; without them we can do nothing, with them we can do everything.)
—Charles Perrault, Cendrillon