We’re baaaack…!
It’s the start of Season Three here at the Podcast, and we’re excited to once again be bringing you some weekly-ish discourse on Changeling: the Dreaming. As we proceed chronologically through the game’s history, we’re now in that wilderness between the end of 2nd edition and the launch of the 20th Anniversary edition. But that doesn’t mean there’s nothing to say about Changeling and it’s place in the World of Darkness. We’re talking today about Hunter: the Reckoning, Mummy: the Resurrection, and Demon: the Fallen, three WoD games that were concurrent with the sunset and slumber of the Dreaming. There’s limited information with which to suss out how these three splats view and interact with the fae, but we never said we didn’t like a challenge.
If you’re interested in purchasing any of the corebooks for those lines:
- Hunter: https://www.storytellersvault.com/product/639?affiliate_id=3063731
- Mummy: https://www.storytellersvault.com/product/1251?affiliate_id=3063731
- Demon: https://www.storytellersvault.com/product/636?affiliate_id=3063731
In the realm of shameless promotion, there’s also the Bog Bodies book for Mummy “20th” that Pooka created here: https://www.storytellersvault.com/product/395251?affiliate_id=3063731, and if you’d like to hear Mage: the Podcast’s dive into the 1st and 2nd edition Mummy books, check out https://magethepodcast.com/tomes-of-magick-a-world-of-darkness-mummy/ and https://magethepodcast.com/tomes-of-magick-mummy-second-edition/ respectively and respectfully.
And of course, you can contact us through the following channels for all of your questions and musings on dank monstrosities and those who pursue them:
- Discord: https://discord.me/ctp
- Email: podcast@changelingthepodcast.com
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100082973960699
- Mastodon: https://dice.camp/@ChangelingPod
- Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/changelingthepodcast
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ChangelingThePodcast
your hosts
Josh Hillerup (any pronoun) suggests that sysops are prime candidates for Imbuing.
Pooka G (any pronoun/they) swoons for the linguistically superb Hekau of Nomenclature.
“If the apocalypse comes— beep me.”
—Buffy Summers