Another week, another theme episode…! This time around, we’re considering the role of morality in Changeling: the Dreaming, and the World of Darkness at large. Folklorically, the fae have always tended to dance to their own tune (and often drag hapless mortals along with them) when it comes to questions of right and wrong, good and evil, awesome and dastardly. And yet the changelings are half-human, caught between the memories of their inner nature and the modern values with which they were raised. We talk about this tension and how it is explored—or not explored—within the setting and mechanics, as well as some options for Storytellers and players to do so.
It’s just kind of a wide-ranging discussion this episode, which easily spawns all kinds of follow-ups that we didn’t have recording time to fully pursue. So if you have Thoughts and Feelings about this aspect of the game, reach out and tell us about it, whydontcha:
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- Email: podcast@changelingthepodcast.com
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your hosts
Josh Hillerup (any pronoun) received a Title for wiping the floor with the competition during the Spelling Bee of Honor.
Pooka G (any pronoun/they) went into hiding for nine counts of disorderly knowledge at the Geography Bee of Sleaze.
“Everything’s got a moral if only you can find it.”
—The Duchess in Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland