And so we return! We’re coming back from hiatus a little bit later than anticipated, both because it was a busy summer, and because we realized there aren’t really that many episodes to get through before the end of the year. So, now that it feels more like autumn in this bit of the world, it’s time to get through the rest of C20 and ancillary things on our list. One of the latter is Graceful Wicked Masques, the 2nd edition Exalted book that covers the Fair Folk. While this text is solidly outside the era of “Exalted is the prehistory of the World of Darkness kinda maybe”, there’s still a lot of connective tissue we see between this text and Changeling: the Dreaming. (If you need ideas for Deep Dreaming games or True Fae, for example, this is absolutely a good resource.) So we are once again diving into the library and seeing what gems we can unearth…!
The book PDF can be purchased at https://www.storytellersvault.com/product/58880?affiliate_id=3063731, and our previous episode on the 1st edition Fair Folk book can be listened to at https://changelingthepodcast.com/podcast/episode-79-exalted-the-fair-folk/. For all other social media and communication needs, see if you can surprise us at:
- Discord: https://discord.me/ctp
- Email: podcast@changelingthepodcast.com
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100082973960699
- Mastodon: https://dice.camp/@ChangelingPod
- Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/changelingthepodcast
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ChangelingThePodcast
your hosts
Josh Hillerup (any pronoun) has commissioned a study on what happens when a Fair Folk gets re-un-shaped, but the PIs keep disappearing.
Pooka G (any pronoun/they) applies Fair Folk charm names to baking; today is an Oats Enfolding Butter Berry-Surmounting Technique day.
Free from desire, you realize the mystery.
Caught in desire, you see only the manifestations.
Yet mystery and manifestations
arise from the same source.
This source is called darkness.
—Laozi, Tao Te Ching ch. 1, translated by Stephen Mitchell