Changeling the Podcast

episode 83 — changeling 20: the new stuff

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 83 — changeling 20: the new stuff

Whew. Doing a walkthrough of the corebook was kind of a marathon, but treating it as a text in isolation is only part of the story. In this (thankfully shorter, because we recorded it the same day as the first) installment, we’re drawing on our grump knowledge of the previous editions to talk about the […]

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episode 82 — changeling 20: walkthrough

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 82 — changeling 20: walkthrough

Well, here we are at last…! After dozens of episodes covering the earlier days of the line, we are beginning our read of Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition, the corebook proper. This first in a trilogy of episodes will be a walkthrough of the book, giving some concise information and commentary about each chapter.

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episode 81.5 — PAX unplugged roundtable

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 81.5 — PAX unplugged roundtable

Behold, the bonus episode! Back in December, Pooka had a chit-chat at PAX Unplugged with Terry of Mage: the Podcast and Mike of Darker Days Radio. This was released on Mage: the Podcast a couple weeks ago, but we’re cross-posting it here as some random content to tide you over until everything is ready for

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episode 81 — anthology of dreams & cup of dreams

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 81 — anthology of dreams & cup of dreams

We’ve spoken before about what novels and short stories bring to the World of Darkness. At best, they can provide a naturalistic feel for a lived-in world that players and Storytellers can explore; at worst, they confuse the reader and muddle the rules of the setting. There aren’t nearly as many items in the data

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episode 80 — c20 writer/dev roundtable

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 80 — c20 writer/dev roundtable

As much as we enjoy flipping through pages and making sweeping claims about Changeling, we have never (alas) been directly involved in the production of the official game line. So for this roundtable, we invited some guests with insider knowledge: four of the writers and developers involved with the 20th Anniversary Edition. We obviously couldn’t

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episode 79 — exalted: the fair folk

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 79 — exalted: the fair folk

When we covered Dark Ages: Fae, we mentioned that it was the one canonical historical setting kind of for Changeling. That’s not entirely true, because in the earliest days of the Exalted line, its world was lightly framed as the “prehistory” of the World of Darkness. While that aspect fell out of the setting pretty

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episode 78 — changeling: the lost discussion

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 78 — changeling: the lost discussion

Don’t worry, we’re not totally casting off our roots quite yet. While Changeling: the Dreaming was in deep freeze, the mantle of “modern personal horror fae game” was taken up by Changeling: the Lost, a rather different entry in the (new) World/Chronicles of Darkness. At a glance, Lost shares a lot of terms and concepts

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episode 77 — old kithbook: boggans

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 77 — old kithbook: boggans

As we alluded to in our minisode about the unreleased Book of Glamour and Keys to the Kingdom, there was one more title done dirty by the unceremonious end of Changeling’s 2nd edition. The long-lamented Kithbook: Boggans was on the putative release schedule (and available for pre-order) until long after the line’s conclusion. When it

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episode 76 — neurodiversity and ableism

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 76 — neurodiversity and ableism

We’re tackling a slightly heavy subject today, talking about neurodiversity and ableism in the context of Changeling: the Dreaming. There are numerous ways in which these arise allegorically and literally in the pages of the game. We cover a few broad topics, but really we’re just scratching the surface here, framing our interpretations of the

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episode 75.5 — darkening sky

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 75.5 — darkening sky

We’re informed in Dark Ages: Fae that “the Oath-Truce falls with the darkening sky”… but it took another decade for the creators of the line to fulfill that promise. In this solo minisode, Pooka talks a bit about the eponymous supplement, Darkening Sky, released at last in 2014. This coda to the Revised line provides

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