Changeling the Podcast

episode 75 — dark ages: fae

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 75 — dark ages: fae

And now for something completely different…! We’re diving into one of the last books for the old World of Darkness this week—and we do mean OLD, for the book in question is Dark Ages: Fae. Technically a spin-off of Dark Ages: Vampire, and one of the standalone corebooks in the Dark Ages line, this is […]

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episode 74.5 — lost texts: book of glamour and keys to the kingdom

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 74.5 — lost texts: book of glamour and keys to the kingdom

Behold the minisode! Today we’re diving into the Library of What Could Have Been, as we talk about two books that we never actually got for Changeling: Book of Glamour and Keys to the Kingdom. Long-promised, partly written, and much desired, the complete guide to fae magic and the globetrotting metaplot adventures lingered in the

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episode 74 — fae and morality

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 74 — fae and morality

Another week, another theme episode…! This time around, we’re considering the role of morality in Changeling: the Dreaming, and the World of Darkness at large. Folklorically, the fae have always tended to dance to their own tune (and often drag hapless mortals along with them) when it comes to questions of right and wrong, good

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episode 73 — hunter, mummy, demon

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 73 — hunter, mummy, demon

We’re baaaack…! It’s the start of Season Three here at the Podcast, and we’re excited to once again be bringing you some weekly-ish discourse on Changeling: the Dreaming. As we proceed chronologically through the game’s history, we’re now in that wilderness between the end of 2nd edition and the launch of the 20th Anniversary edition.

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episode 72.5 — state of the podcast, winterregnum 23-24

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 72.5 — state of the podcast, winterregnum 23-24

…and that’s a wrap! For this year, at least; we intend to be back in a couple of months, after taking our usual winter constitutional. A happy solstice be upon you, and thanks again to everyone for sticking with us through the second half of the Season. We hope you’ll help us make Season 3

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episode 72 — time of judgment

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 72 — time of judgment

It’s strange to go back to the end of an era, but that’s the feel of things this week as we pick up Time of Judgment, finale to the old World of Darkness. After the “Big Three” each got their own book of the end times, the remaining (lower-selling) games got one chapter each in

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episode 71.5 — trolle, träumer, tiefe wälder

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 71.5 — trolle, träumer, tiefe wälder

Another trip across the ocean…! Pooka put their linguistic skills to use in order to skim/translate (read: stumble through with a dictionary in one hand and a fervent prayer to the word-gods in the other) the long-lost book Trolle, Träumer, Tiefe Wälder. This German-only supplement was released near the end of 2nd Edition, and describes

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episode 71 — changeling: the celtic cycle

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 71 — changeling: the celtic cycle

And now for something rather different… we’re stepping out of the Changeling canon and into the wonderful world of late 90s/early 00s homebrew with Changeling: the Celtic Cycle. Written by three World of Darkness authors, CtCC radically re-imagines the world of Changeling: no Glamour and Banality, no Dreamers to cultivate, no Dreaming separate from the

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episode 70 — kithbook: eshu

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 70 — kithbook: eshu

Wanderers and storytellers, tricksters and rapscallions… we’re diving this week into Kithbook: Eshu and all that it has to teach about this most wonderfully wayward of Kithain. This was the last full-length Changeling: the Dreaming supplement for something like fifteen years, and as presumed final entries go, it was an intriguing one. (The last page

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episode 69.5 — dispatches from PAX unplugged

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 69.5 — dispatches from PAX unplugged

It’s the weekend of PAX Unplugged, a three-day convention for all forms of non-digital gaming in Philadelphia, and Pooka got themself a media badge. So, in an effort to justify that, they went around doing on-the-spot quick interviews with a number of RPG creators whose work is Changeling-adjacent (mostly fairytale and mythology themed). Please forgive

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