Changeling the Podcast

episode 70 — kithbook: eshu

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 70 — kithbook: eshu

Wanderers and storytellers, tricksters and rapscallions… we’re diving this week into Kithbook: Eshu and all that it has to teach about this most wonderfully wayward of Kithain. This was the last full-length Changeling: the Dreaming supplement for something like fifteen years, and as presumed final entries go, it was an intriguing one. (The last page […]

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episode 69.5 — dispatches from PAX unplugged

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 69.5 — dispatches from PAX unplugged

It’s the weekend of PAX Unplugged, a three-day convention for all forms of non-digital gaming in Philadelphia, and Pooka got themself a media badge. So, in an effort to justify that, they went around doing on-the-spot quick interviews with a number of RPG creators whose work is Changeling-adjacent (mostly fairytale and mythology themed). Please forgive

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episode 69 — shining host player’s guide with pete woodworth

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 69 — shining host player's guide with pete woodworth

We’re returning to the world of Live-Action RolePlaying this week, as we flip through the second and final of the Mind’s Eye Theatre books produced for Changeling. Author and developer Peter Woodworth returns to talk about the creation of the Shining Host Player’s Guide. Even if you prefer throwing dice around the table to dressing

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episode 68 — book of lost houses

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 68 — book of lost houses

Sometimes a House isn’t so much lost as misplaced, but sometimes you misplace four and a half of them. This was how the sidhe did back at the turn of the millennium, but good news! Those waywards are coming back through the gates in Book of Lost Houses: The Second Coming, the tome that gave

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episode 67 — kith-building workshop

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 67 — kith-building workshop

It’s a time-honored tradition among Changeling groups to construct their own kiths, but the process has always been idiosyncratic. Doing justice to folklore and balanced game mechanics don’t always go hand in hand. Luckily, the 20th Anniversary Edition has provided a basic template for creating them, so we’re taking the opportunity to do a short

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episode 66 — war in concordia

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 66 — war in concordia

Just in time for Guy Fawkes Night (and a bit on the early side of our usual release day), we’re looking at the breakdown of social order in fae realms… kiiiind of? Despite its title, we’ve uncovered in our reading that War in Concordia: The Shattered Dream is more about widespread political tensions, the occasional

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episode 65 — kithbook: redcaps

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 65 — kithbook: redcaps

They eat what they want—when they want—who they want. And what more do you need to know? Quite a bit, actually, if our readthrough of Kithbook: Redcaps is any indication. This is maybe the first book where we had serious differences of opinion about its utility: Josh says it’s the best kithbook, Pooka thinks it’s

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episode 64 – time, memory, cyclicality

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 64 – time, memory, cyclicality

Pardon us while we get a bit esoteric, but it’s time to talk about time (and memory, and cyclicality). The way the fae experience it is rather different from your garden-variety fleshly linear human types—and yet at the same time, not so different at all. We’re talking about the chaotic progression of time in the

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episode 63.5 — le monde des ténèbres : france

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 63.5 — le monde des ténèbres : france

Salut, gentlefae! It’s time for a solo minisode to fill in the Banal void of the working week. In this installment, Pooka discusses Le Monde des Ténèbres : France, one of the few 90s World of Darkness books not developed by White Wolf. Published by Ludis International at the start of 1997, the book only

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episode 63 — denizens of the dreaming

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 63 — denizens of the dreaming

In they crawled through the long-shuttered gates, slowly they slithered into the world—the Dark-kin have arrived at last! And as we go on our flipthrough of Denizens of the Dreaming, we realized… well, not all of them are all that Dark. And they don’t much act like kin. And are they even really all “of

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