Changeling the Podcast

episode 23 – kithbook: dullahan with andrew goodman

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 23 – kithbook: dullahan with andrew goodman

We’re hopping momentarily into the 20th Anniversary Edition of Changeling: the Dreaming to talk about a hefty new offering on the Storytellers’ Vault, Kithbook: Dullahan. Ordinarily, we’d probably wait a bit to discuss a new homebrew release, but since this book covers headless horsemen and their ilk, it was too good a fit for our […]

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episode 22 – ten more books for inspiration: spoopy edition!

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 22 – ten more books for inspiration: spoopy edition!

Another week, another episode in our series of Octobrish delights… this time, we are returning to our bookshelves to pull some inspirational fiction for the more uncanny, eerie, and unsettling side of Changeling: the Dreaming. We’re going through 10(-ish) books and story collections that keep us up at night, and seeing how we can translate

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episode 21 – kithbook: sluagh

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 21 – kithbook: sluagh

As October dawns, it’s only fitting that we should get into it with a deep dive into the guide to that creepiest of kiths, Kithbook: Sluagh. We actually… don’t really have many notes this time! Both of us agreed that it was probably our favorite kithbook, that there was very little we’d do to change

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episode 20 – court of all kings

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 20 - court of all kings

Episode 20! It’s pretty amazing that we’ve made it this far, given how hectic life has been over the last few months. But as autumn (just regular, lowercase-a autumn) sets in, and we have time to center ourselves a bit, we’re trying to get things in order to keep bringing you Changeling content into the

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episode 19.5 – minisode: poems with pooka

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 19.5 – minisode: poems with pooka

Just because we’re having a chaotic summer doesn’t mean we can’t occasionally find time to generate some scraps of content. While we search for time to catch up on chonkier recordings, herewith is a short minisode of something that nobody asked for: a set of poems that are (arguably) Changeling-y in themes. Pooka threw this

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episode 19 – the shadow court

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 19 - the shadow court

Sooner or later, the most sinister of the Unseelie were bound to rear their greasy and/or misshapen heads, no? While Banality is an ever-present threat that changelings must struggle against, and nobles-versus-commoners is an important piece of the metaplot, it’s important to remember that the balance of light and darkness is another critical conflict for

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episode 18 – kithbook: trolls

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 18 - kithbook: trolls

So, we took an extra week off due to individual life stuff that needed sorting out. But now we’re back to talk about the first of the splatbooks for Changeling, Kithbook: Trolls, in all of its blue-tinted glory. Takeaways from the book include: oaths matter; legend is more important than history; and if it’s anything

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episode 17 – interview with toronto by day

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 17 - interview with toronto by day

Greetings, all! We’ve been taking a bit more of a break than we anticipated due to life getting in the way of podcasting, which slowed down our production process more than usual this week. But we’re getting back on track, beginning with this episode, a conversation with the cast of Toronto by Day: Tales from

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episode 16 – player’s guide

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 16 - player's guide

No, not the C20 one that came out in 2019; we’re taking a look at the 1st edition Player’s Guide from… year unclear. (We think it’s 1997? But there’s an ad for Hunter: the Reckoning in the back, so who knows.) As WoD Player’s Guides go, the Changeling one has a lot of your standard

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episode 15 – ten books for inspiration

Changeling the Podcast
Changeling the Podcast
episode 15 - ten books for inspiration

Thanks for joining us! This week is a bit of a breather: we’re talking about ten books that inspire us for Changeling: the Dreaming. The show notes are therefore pretty straightforward, as we’ll just have the list below with a few notes. (You are encouraged to find, borrow, or purchase these books at a library

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